Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a perfect emotional healer. It helps by lessening the symptoms we experience, caused by tension, stress, depression, and fear, and is a wonderful crystal for overcoming trauma. On a physical level, Rose Quartz is good for the complexion, and is beneficial for your heart, kidneys, circulation, lungs, and reproductive system. It aids general aches and pains, and is good for varicose veins and sunburn


Amethyst magnifies the energy of other crystals. It helps us with any physical, emotional and psychological pain we may be experiencing, by acting like a natural tranquiliser. It is beneficial for headaches, insomnia, nightmares, hormone production, viral and bacterial infections and bruises. Amethyst helps with anger and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), by calming oversensitivity and tension. It is wonderful for meditation and assists in decision making


Citrine is a wonderful attractor of abundance. It is good for concentration, which aids learning, creativity and problem solving. It assists with self confidence, self esteem, motivation, phobias, and depression. It is good for the digestive system, heart, thyroid, liver, blood circulation and eyesight. Citrine acts as a powerful cleanser and is wonderful for clearing the body of emotional toxins aiding tissue regeneration

Clear Quartz

Quartz is a master healer. It generates, conserves, amplifies or releases energy, as required. It is a mood enhancing stone and helps with concentration. It assists with cleansing and enhancing of the organs. It is beneficial for the immune system, and can help with diabetes, tinnitus, pain/discomfort, malaise and ear infections. Quartz helps to focus the mind, it relieves negativity and assists in meditation.